SVT News: Cosafe to warn of school attacks in Eslöv, Sweden


At the Norrevång school, just a few kilometers from where the school attack in Eslöv took place, new security procedures are being introduced today in case of ongoing deadly violence. This is done through a safety app where school staff can alert each other internally in case of an emergency.

The plan to introduce the internal security app has been on the table since May, but with last week’s attack on Källeberg School, it has become highly topical.

– “It’s terrible, and it comes very close to you when it’s your colleagues and it’s a school in Eslöv,” says Susanne Svensson, principal of Norrevångsskolan.

During the day, all staff at Norrevångsskolan will receive a review of the security app and the different options that can be selected in case of an alarm.

– You can choose whether it is an evacuation, a fire alarm or whether it is violence and threats and so on. “The biggest change will probably be that we will be able to reach each other more easily if something happens,” says Susanne Svensson.

In an alert, teachers can also indicate their location and the location of a potential perpetrator.

New alarm for evacuation Evacuation involves students and staff locking themselves in rooms or halls and hiding.

– After the school attack in Trollhättan, we have developed measures such as crisis plans and cameras. And the app is part of that work,” says Pelle Jansson, deputy principal at Norrevångsskolan.

During the knife attack at Källeberg School, the fire alarm went off, which normally means that pupils must be evacuated from the classroom. In this case, documents from the Swedish Work Environment Authority showed that it was the offender himself who triggered the fire alarm.

– That’s where we have an advantage with this app that we use, that we can provide information and alarms about what it is. As soon as we know that it is not a fire but an evacuation, we can inform the public in no time at all,” says Pelle Jansson.


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