Key Lessons from the School Attack at Grimstaskolan

The article explores crucial lessons learned from a school attack at Grimstaskolan in Stockholm, where an armed 18-year-old threatened staff and students. This incident underscores the nationwide necessity for preparedness and robust security measures. Media coverage commends the staff’s exemplary response, underscoring the vital role of swift decision-making in situations that can save lives.

Principal Tobias Hansson attributes effective communication during the incident to the emergency app Cosafe. The app was pivotal in promptly alerting all staff to the ongoing violence, facilitating coordinated responses, and ensuring the safety of students and staff.

Stressing the importance of communication and information-sharing, Tobias Hansson and school security specialist Lena Ljungdahl share insights on proactive safety measures, training, and modern technology in a TV interview.

The Grimstaskolan incident has ignited heightened discussions on school safety among policymakers and educational authorities. The complex nature of school security requires a combination of preventive measures, preparedness, education, resources, and modern technology. The article outlines ten key lessons from the school attack, emphasizing the importance of composure, creating a sense of security, and utilising tools like emergency apps for effective communication. It also suggests post-incident support practices and preventive measures, including scenario training and reviewing access points to school buildings.

The school attack at Grimstaskolan in Stockholm on Wednesday, May 3, where a lone armed 18-year-old assailant threatened staff and students, has garnered significant media attention. The incident has once again underscored the need for preparation and adequate security measures in schools nationwide. The event clearly demonstrated how quick and accurate decisions can save lives.

Case in Point

Newspapers, radio, and TV have reported on the incident, highlighting the exemplary handling of the situation by staff, where swift evacuation, coordinated efforts, and the use of the Cosafe alarm app were crucial factors in ensuring the safety of students and staff.

“In our case, the alarm app was vital to the positive outcome.” Tobias Hansson, Principal at Grimstaskolan in Vällingby, Stockholm

Tobias Hansson, the principal at Grimstaskolan, told Dagens Nyheter that the PDV (Ongoing Deadly Violence) alert reached all staff via the Cosafe alarm app shortly after lunch. He noted that it took a few minutes for them to comprehend the severity of the situation, but the staff acted according to rehearsed procedures and conducted an evacuation of staff and students. The school’s caretaker, Carlos Hernandez Rubio (formerly a police officer), told Sveriges Radio how he also received the alert, chose to confront the suspected assailant, and kept him detained until the police could intervene. Fortunately, Carlos escaped with only minor injuries.

Communication and information are crucial

On TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon, Principal Tobias Hansson and Lena Ljungdahl, a school security specialist, shared their experiences and thoughts on the incident, as well as measures that can be taken to enhance security in schools, such as proactive safety work, training, drills, and modern technology.

Tobias Hansson praised the staff for their calm and professional response. He said no one was harmed, which is the most important thing. The principal emphasized the importance of quickly understanding the situation in a crisis and being able to make decisions regarding evacuation or shelter to protect themselves. Grimstaskolan’s staff had the Cosafe alarm app installed on their phones, which was used for the first time in a real emergency.

“I received the information digitally, and it simultaneously reached all staff, who quickly understood that something dangerous was happening, and then my staff acted fantastically by simply sheltering and hiding.”

Tobias Hansson, Principal at Grimstaskolan in Vällingby, Stockholm

According to Tobias Hansson, a central part of Grimstaskolan’s preparedness measures has been the use of Cosafe, which proved to be a crucial tool in the sequence of events during the school attack. During the incident, Cosafe enabled the staff to raise alarms quickly, share accurate and updated information about what was happening, and alert SOS Alarm 112, allowing the staff to act effectively according to the action plan and avoid greater harm. Tobias Hansson is grateful that the school had practised and trained for similar situations. Making decisions about acting is not easy before knowing exactly what is happening. He said it requires thinking about multiple things simultaneously and trying to create a sense of security.

Concerned parents

According to Dagens Nyheter, some parents felt they received the information too late, and the principal takes this as a lesson. It is important that parents receive relevant and truthful information in such situations while also avoiding creating panic. Tobias Hansson mentioned that the school is now considering various measures to prevent similar incidents, such as locking certain doors. In the short term, however, the most important thing is that those who need support and help receive it. After the incident, crisis support was offered to students and staff, and the school has also received support from nearby schools, the education administration, the district administration, and the police.

School security specialist praises the sheltering at the school

Lena Ljungdahl, a school security specialist, commented on the incident on TV4, stating that the school’s sheltering worked very well and that they benefited from having practiced and trained for sheltering. She emphasized that such situations are very complex, with no clear-cut answer on how to act, and decisions must be made quickly based on available information. It is, therefore, crucial to have the right knowledge and be able to share accurate information during an ongoing incident.

“A parent’s worst nightmare.”

When asked if Swedish schools are equipped for this type of incident, Lena Ljungdahl told TV4 that Swedish schools have varying preparedness, and there are schools in Sweden that have actively decided not to work on school security, considering it the police’s responsibility. All schools need to take measures to improve security and prepare for potential serious incidents. And according to Lena Ljungdahl, there is no time to waste.

“Yes, I would think it would be nice if there were national guidelines so that all children and parents in Sweden have the same level of security and safety in schools. The school should not be a crime scene but a safe environment.”

Lena Ljungdahl, School Security Specialist

Lena Ljungdahl also emphasized that schools cannot rely solely on the police but must work preventively and focus on other aspects that can affect security, such as local collaboration and preventive measures against radicalization.

What happens now?

The incident at Grimstaskolan has once again brought school security to the forefront for politicians and municipal and private stakeholders. School security issues are complex, and no simple solution fits all situations. Preventive measures, preparedness, training, resources, and modern technology are needed to create a safe school environment for students and staff.

Grimstaskolan’s exemplary handling of the situation clearly highlights the importance of all schools having a well-planned security strategy and staff receiving education and training on acting during a school attack. According to Principal Tobias Hansson, a crucial part of such a strategy is having access to an alarm app that can be used to quickly and efficiently alert about Ongoing Deadly Violence (PDV), automatically instruct everyone on how to act according to the action plan, continuously share important information, and convey a situational overview to school management, emergency services, and concerned parents.

Ten key lessons from the school attack

  • Maintain calm and think clearly
  • Focus on creating a sense of security
  • An alarm app is a vital tool
  • Communicate continuously
  • Inform everyone that the police and ambulance are on the way
  • Priority 1 – protect students, priority 2 – inform parents
  • Provide good crisis support
  • Show care and help each other
  • Practice similar scenarios
  • Review access/number of open entrances to the school building

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